Blvd. Aguacaliente 4558 interior T-02, Colonia Aviación, Tijuana.


What is a Myomectomy?

Myomectomy is a specialized surgery performed to remove uterine fibroids, which are noncancerous tumors that grow in the uterus. Unlike a hysterectomy, a myomectomy preserves the uterus, allowing women to maintain their ability to have children. This procedure is ideal for those who experience bothersome symptoms or wish to improve their chances of conception.

What is the process?

1. Laparoscopic Myomectomy

It is performed through small incisions in the abdomen using a laparoscope (a thin tube with a camera). This method is minimally invasive and has a shorter recovery time.

2. Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

It uses a hysteroscope that is inserted through the cervix to remove fibroids located within the uterine cavity. This procedure does not require external incisions.

3. Abdominal Myomectomy (Laparotomy)

In cases of large or numerous fibroids, open surgery is performed through an abdominal incision to remove the fibroids. This approach may require a longer recovery.


Hope & Heard Fertility Center

When is a myomectomy recommended?

Una miomectomía se recomienda en los siguientes casos:

  • Miomas que causan sangrado menstrual abundante o prolongado.
  • Dolor pélvico persistente o presión en la pelvis.
  • Infertilidad o abortos espontáneos recurrentes asociados con miomas.
  • Miomas que interfieren con otras funciones del sistema reproductivo o del tracto urinario.
  • Crecimiento rápido de los miomas o sospecha de que puedan estar causando complicaciones.

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At our clinic, we use the latest technology and advanced ICSI techniques to ensure that every stage of the process is handled with the utmost precision and care. Our team is highly trained to offer you the best chance of success.

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Answers to your questions

The waiting time varies depending on the type of myomectomy performed. Generally, it is recommended to wait between 3 and 6 months to allow the uterus to heal completely before trying to conceive. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions to ensure a safe pregnancy.

Although myomectomy is a safe procedure, there are some risks, including infection, excessive bleeding, uterine scarring, and in rare cases, perforation of the uterus. In very rare cases, a hysterectomy may be required if there are complications.

Yes, it is possible for fibroids to grow back after myomectomy, especially in younger women or those with a genetic predisposition to developing fibroids. The risk of recurrence depends on several factors, including the number and size of the fibroids removed.

Non-surgical alternatives exist, such as uterine artery embolization, hormonal treatment, focused ultrasound, and the use of hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs). These options depend on factors such as age, symptoms, and desire to maintain fertility.

Before a myomectomy, it is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations, which may include blood tests, imaging studies, and avoiding certain medications. It is also essential to plan your time for rest and recovery after the procedure.

Our Patients

I was afraid to undergo surgery, but the symptoms of my fibroids were unbearable. Dr. Amezquita gave me the confidence I needed to move forward with myomectomy. Recovery was quick, and I now feel healthier and pain-free.

My husband and I had been trying to conceive for a long time without success. After a diagnosis of uterine fibroids, Dr. Amezquita suggested a myomectomy. Three months after the surgery, I became pregnant. We couldn't be happier and more grateful.

After years of dealing with heavy bleeding and pelvic pain, I decided to undergo a myomectomy. Dr. Amezquita explained the entire process to me in detail and made me feel in good hands. The surgery was a success and, most importantly, I regained my quality of life.